“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”
All photography by Ash Powell
CARINA COVELLA, a life long dreamer and romantic, has been a voracious reader of romance novels since she was fourteen years old. But, like so many of the heroines in the books she loves, life threw a lot of difficult lessons in her path. As is all too common, Carina experienced sexual trauma and internalized societal conditioning of shame around sexuality and femininity. She realized that something vital had been stolen from her, so she went on a heroine’s journey of her own to reconnect with her body and recover the full expression of her desires.
This journey has taken her all over the world, and has brought her to many amazing teachers. Carina wanted to share the wealth of what she’s learned with the countless women who are also struggling with these same issues. With her abiding love of romance novels, and her desire to express herself through writing, she realized this would be the perfect intersection to share her knowledge and breathe new life into a beloved genre. To remind women that their desires are important, that their sexuality isn’t something to be brushed to the side but to be celebrated as the thing that lights them up and gives them their power and vitality, and to illuminate one possible path home to themselves.
Originally from Los Angeles, California, Carina now lives in the UK in Cornwall— a magical land of myth and legend, of dramatic cliffs and wild seas. She graduated Barnard College, Columbia University cum laude with a degree in Art History. For the last several years, Carina has immersed herself in the world of Tantra and Sacred Sexuality, and has trained as a Tantra teacher. When she’s not writing, you can find her swimming in the cold Cornish sea.